Thursday, June 14, 2012

I haven't updated this blog in awhile. After going through a pretty bad depression in December, I began to feel better due to new meds. I do find myself staying in quite a bit, but manage to keep myself busy. And I have taken a few trips this year, which I have really enjoyed. I've also had a couple of injuries back to back that I had to deal with.
In April, I discovered how very sharp a mandoline is, and that even if your potatoes seem to be hanging up in the guard, you should never try to push them through the slicer without it. I still have the pad on my pinky but it's numb and useless right now. The doc says that may improve, but we won't know for a year or so. The next week, my daughter broke her foot when she slipped off a concrete step, and although my granddaughter promised to go get her doctor kit and fix it, she had to be in a boot and crutches for awhile. I went up to try to help her, and with my one working hand and her one working foot, we were a funny pair.
In May, I went to Vegas with my middle son. He had been several times and had points for free airline tickets, so when he needed a travel buddy, I was happy to go. We saw the wax museum, one show, and had lunch at the top of the Stratosphere while crazy people bungee jumped by our window.
Later in May, I was so excited that Amazon's Vine newsletter was out (where I get free stuff to review) and so frustrated that my computer battery was dying, I sprinted through the bedroom to grab a charger and ran into a very heavy ottoman and fractured my middle toe. When I ended up going to the same ER, they accused me of being a walking MASH unit. It was taped and booted, and has been slow healing, because of the type of break and old age. Ha.
I have done a lot of canning this year- Silver Queen corn, green beans, pintos, squash pickle, etc. We also gave Earth boxes a try, and managed to grow some tomatoes and bell peppers before the high temps this summer killed them. I've had better luck with inside plants. My African Violets are pretty and growing well.I have all colors as I bought several new varieties on Etsy. I also have basil, thyme, rosemary, aloe, and a sequoia tree my son bought me last Christmas.

This month my husband, middle son, and I went to Chicago to visit my youngest son and his girlfriend. We saw the Sears Tower, the Field Museum, and just had a lot of fun visiting with them.
Right now, my mother-in-law is here visiting, and yes, I had so much angst over this visit, really dreaded it. She is a very negative and loves to explain what is wrong with everyone and what she hates about everything. My husband seems to feed off this and becomes very negative himself when she is around. So... Needless to say, I will be relieved when she has gone. I took this all into account when visiting Chicago and we only stayed for three days.
I'm learning to crochet. My mom tried to teach me years ago but she is a leftie. I bought yarn to make a granny square afghan.
Just finished this book. Liked it and now am reading Life of Pi before the movie comes out.
That's about it around here.