Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Runaway Bride

We've all heard the story of the runaway bride. Today I read they have fined her 13K that she has to pay to the city. I know she caused a lot of problems to a lot of people, but I don't think that was her intention. I think she just wanted to run away from home. Who hasn't wanted to do that?
When I was about to be married the first time, a good friend of mine and I decided to have a "slumber party" in the apartment my husband and I had rented. That night, in the middle of the night, I sat up and stared at her and said, "I can't do this."
Being the friend she was, she didn't argue with me. She simply said, "If you're having cold feet, that's one thing. But if you have serious doubts about whether this is right for you, then we'll get in the car and leave town for a week or so until all this blows over."
You have no idea how badly I wanted to do that. I considered it from every possible angle. The one thought that kept me from it was, "What will people think?" Not, "Will I spend the next twenty years of my life wishing I had taken her up on it" which was exactly what happened.
I think the girl got scared, and she ran. And somehow when she found out everyone was searching for her, she made a stupid decision not to call anyone. I think it's because she didn't want to have to pack up and return yet. I really don't know what all she was THINKING, but I can sure empathize with her FEELINGS.
So when they found her, she was embarrassed that she let it go on. And telling one lie led to another one to cover up that one, etc. So she finally fessed up and came home. And she's offered to pay restitution. I don't think she should have to. I mean kids runaway from home. Police go find them. Do there parents have to reimburse the police? Your husband knocks your teeth out, the police risk their lives and come into the lion's pit to drag his ass out, but do they send you or him the bill? Don't we pay tax money?
All I'm saying, is yes, she caused a lot of problems. But she also may have saved a lot of money for her family in payments for a lawyer to handle the divorce later, and a lot of time wasted. I know she says the engagement is still on. I think that's to save him embarrassment and not from any real belief she will ever marry him. I mean, she has to help them both save face, right?After all, what will people think?
P.S. My cat scan came out fine. It was just scar tissue, like we thought.

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