Sunday, September 04, 2005

Attention WalMart Shoppers

My husband and I went to WalMart today, just to get a couple of things. Why is that impossible? Has the management of WalMart put some subliminal messages into their roll-back prices signs? Or maybe on their commericals? I know that never, not once, have I ever went into WalMart and came out with just the one thing I went to get. I end up with it and a buggy (yes in the South we say buggy, not cart!) full of stuff I just thought I couldn't live without. And we NEVER take things back. Oh sure, we say something is not going to work and should be taken back "the next time we go over there." But because the "next time" was also an impulse and not planned, we never have the stuff we were going to take back with us.
Actually the thought of going into WalMart and only buying the one thing I went to get is a PAINFUL thought. WalMart somehow gave us all the idea that they have such low prices, this is the one place we can afford to splurge. (Oh my God, I've always wanted one of those food choppers they have displayed in the aisle...DVD's for $5.99? Oh God, Honey have you heard of any of these movies? No? Me neither...but hey, for $5.99, even if they suck......I need to buy...what was that I said the other day.....I needed it really bad....What was that???? Oh yeah, mascara I think......Here it is....Hm....look at all that eye shadow...I'm working now..I need more makeup selection....why not....I wonder where my husband wandered off to....I'll call him on my cell...Honey, where are you? In sporting goods? But you don't play sports...they had a good deal on what? It was originally how much? Hm....well get a couple. Someone in the family will be able to use them!) And on it goes...
The thing is, we never feel guilty about WalMart splurging. It's kind of fun to get home with so many bags and get to look at all the stuff you've bought. Even if you never use half of it.
And if you don't have a place to put any of it? Hey, WalMart has a great storage solutions department. Maybe some of those plastic bucket things...I'll have to remember I need those the next time I stop by WalMart.....

1 comment:

Freebird said...

You are so right about Walmart. I always walk out of there spending twice as much as I intended to. Walmart is the devil! Devil I say!