Thursday, September 08, 2005

Some People Have No Reason to Live......

What is it about some people? I've been working in this office for a little over a month now, and I'm beginning to learn the office dynamics. In other words....who hates who...which people are in which clique, and other quirks. We have this office loud mouth that NO one can stand. She is LOUD and obnoxious and did I say, LOUD? She has an accent like redneck trailer trash, and she butchers her English so badly at such a high volume that everyone desperately wants to install a volume switch on some portion of her anatomy.
Then there's our office whiner. Everything is wrong, no one appeciates her, no one knows how hard she works, how can anyone understand how bad her job is, gas is too high, our toliet paper in the bathroom is not the kind she likes, and if her attitude wasn't bad enough, she's also the office "crier". I think crying is a good thing, but not all the freaking time. And not over stupid stuff. She went into our General Mgrs office to cry over how much it cost to fill up her tank that morning. She boo-hooed for ten minutes. Then you walk by her office and she will stop you and start crying over how far she is behind on her paperwork. I'm thinking, if you hadn't stopped me, you could have been through by now? Duh?
In the midst of all of this, we still have some pretty cool people to work with. I guess all good boxes of chocolates contain a few nuts, huh Forest?
Tomorrow morning I get fitted with hearing aids. I have to be in Bham at 930. I'll give you an update later. Have a great weekend!

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