Friday, September 02, 2005

What'd you say?

The doctor's office called yesterday and said the MRI of my brain was negative. (Does that mean they didn't find a brain? ha!) They transferred my call over to the audiologist and her news was not as good. She said I have minor hearing loss in the left ear, and severe hearing loss in the right. She also said with the right ear, I have only 60% sound recognition, which means when I hear a sound, I can't figure out what it was. This mostly affects words. You may say bubble and I hear trouble. She wants me to get a hearing aid.
Now with all the ear surgery, and mess I've had, you'd think insurance would pay for this thing. But so far, all we've gotten is no. And we have good insurance. I think that's very unfair.
The good news is I've hung in there with my hair growing out, so it will hide my ear, so no one will notice it. I see the audiologist next week.
When the other aides at work found out yesterday about the one that got fired, they were all scared to death. They didn't complain about gas prices or stick around in the office long, like they usually do. They just headed out to see patients. I can understand their fear. When one of your own friends gets fired, you feel very vulnerable. My boss said if she fired me, she'd have to quit too, because she'd have too much work. Amen to that.

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