Sunday, September 11, 2005

Yes I Really Did This....

Because Alaskan Amy says people sometimes aren't REAL in their posts about their lives, and she's right, and because my friend Cathy from Tennessee insisted I tell this one, I'm going to be both real and brave and tell about my latest most embarrassing moment. Because my blood pressure medicine has a diuretic in it, by the time I make the 40 minute commute to work in the mornings, I usually have to GO immediately on arriving. Unfortunately, one morning last week, I had several people there early waiting for me and each of them needed something NOW, so my bathroom break had to wait. Well by the time I realized I couldn't wait anymore, and rushed back to the bathroom, I had a small spot that had escaped on the underpants. I dried them as best I could, but then the thought occurred to me that I sure didn't want to go around smelling like pee all day. I looked around and spied some citrus air freshener and sprayed those panties good. A few minutes later, at my desk, my crotch felt like I had caught fire, and I realized maybe the air freshener was not such a great idea. I hurried back to the bathroom and splashed water like I was dying, but it didn't seem to help. I ended up throwing away the underwear and going au naturale under my slacks all day, coated with some butt salve I found in our med supply room that we use on older patients. This is the stuff in life that happens that is much funnier than anything one can make up.


The Tuckered One said...

That is hilarious! It sounds like something I would do.

Dana said...

Well bless your heart! I have had moments like that before and it ain't fun!

Freebird said...

That's funny!!