Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Valentine Poem

My husband gave me a box of chocolates for Valentine's Day, and a poem. I thought I'd share the poem with you.

For My Wonderful Wife A Valentine Poem-
For telling me quite bluntly when my clothing looks absurd...
And helping me dress tastefully instead of like a nerd..
For never really minding when I'm hogging the remote...
And when I'm channel surfing, never reaching for my throat.
For listening when I babble 'bout the problems where I work-
And never saying things like "Knock it off, you whiny jerk!"
For seeing to it that I try to eat some healthy food...
And finding me attractive even though you've seen me nude...
For all of this and every other little thing you do...
I couldn't be more grateful that the wife I have is YOU.

Awww. Isn't that sweet?


Freebird said...

I agree. :-) Way better than some sappy card.

Forest Lady said...

Now, Cathy, you know he'd be so worn out after a week with you, he'd be way too tired to help me with the dishes!

Forest Lady said...

Not sure I'd want the job of nursing a poor exhausted man after he'd visited you. I guess I better just keep him to myself. At least here, he'd have a fighting chance! ha ha