Friday, February 24, 2006

That Man of Mine....

I'm getting revved up to write again. I want to continue the idea of a book I started awhile back as to the characters, because I have those pretty much down, but I need a story line. So...if you could choose what the next fiction book you were going to read were about, what would be your choice?
One idea I had was about a woman who is in supposedly a happy marriage goes through a midlife crisis and decides to leave and find herself. Does that sound at all interesting? I'm open to ideas.
I'm selling some of my work clothes on Ebay. It's amazing how they are buying suits. Guess there are a lot of career women who buy clothes on Ebay, although I was the only one in my office who did. Anyway, I thought it would give me some extra money for books and other stuff.
My husband has been sick with a sinus infection, and he has taken off some days this week, and left work early on others. My usual plan of doing what I want to all day, and then starting supper and making a mad dash to straighten up the house before he gets home, isn't working when he just comes home at a surprise time. Ha. Guess the surprise is on him! Yesterday, he came home a little after three. I hadn't even made the bed, the bed was covered with laundry I needed to fold, my diet coke cans piled on the table by the recliner, and the open Valentine candy box on the coffee table. I started saying how I didn't expect him home and I was just getting up to straighten up everything. He looked around and said, "Huh? Looks ok to me now!" That's why I love that man.


The Tuckered One said...

As I read this, my bed is unmade, there is folded laundry on it, and there are several Diet Dr Pepper cans strewn about. And I just ate a piece of leftover Valentine's chocolate.

Forest Lady said...

Like mother, like daughter!