Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Eye See You, Sort Of

I have said before that I turned fifty and starting falling apart, but I was partly joking. Yesterday I found out I have low-pressure glaucoma in my eyes and have already had loss of my field of vision. I have to have laser surgery to try to stop anymore damage, although the opthomologist kept reminding me that, although there is ongoing research being done for glaucoma, there is no "cure". She said the laser surgery shouldn't interfere with my other eye surgery at the Eye Foundation in August for lazy eye.
Then I'm still wobbling like a drunk person from the Meniere's, waking up at night with hot flashes. I have to go for a sleep study Sunday night because they suspect I have sleep apnea. I'm to the point of writing God and saying, "Ok, this body is shot, and I want another one. One I get to pick. I promise to take better care of the new one."
On the positive side, after a long discussion with my daughter over what a normal person eats, I did pretty good yesterday, and am keeping up with my food as Amy suggested. I think losing weight would help with a lot of things.
I took over doing the bills a couple of weeks ago. My husband had always kept the checkbook, and he had Spiderman checks and checkcover. So everytime I had to write a check, someone would ask me if I liked Spiderman. Since I took over it, I decided to get girlie checks. I ordered Cinderella's castle. They are so cute. He absolutely hates them.


Freebird said...

Sounds to me like the stepdaugther's only interested in a little cash flow her way.

Forest Lady said...

We never hear from them unless they want money. I don't mind helping anyone who is helping themselves. But these two live off a trust fund that will play out before long. Neither of them has any ambition beyond sleeping till noon and playing video games. It's a shame really. I know her mom wanted more than that for her.

Cathy said...

Any college she might want to go to has a financial aid office. Tell her to give them a call. I'm not sure why a married woman would feel it is her father's place to pay for her education. God only knows what would happen to the money if he had been foolish enough to give her any.