Sunday, June 25, 2006

Moving to the Library

I've been doing secret shopping. Of the fourteen places I've gone, all but one had lousy customer service. You know those stores when you can't get what you want without a salesperson, but there isn't one in the department, and you ask someone else who is going to get someone for you, but they never show up? That kind of lousy.
I did go to one where the customer service was so good, that my son said they must have heard a rumor that they had a secret shopper coming that day. Yeah, I felt like they were putting on the dog a little too much. Anyway, I signed up for twenty jobs for July, and then I think I'll quit doing this. I put a high price on being able to wake up in the morning, at least some days, and not having to leave the house if I don't want to. Most days I don't want to.
I hate my house. The more I look at it, the more I hate it. It's too full of junk, I hate my furniture, and the walls are closing in. I want to rent a dumpster, and clean it all out and start over. I'd say it's probably PMS but I'm having too many hot flashes at night for that to be a probable cause. I think it's just that I hate it. Period. This is the same place I used to absolutely LOVE. Go figure.
I went to the library yesterday. My husband dropped me off there because he had to go out to work for awhile. I spent about an hour there. I've decided I could move out of my house and live in the library and be happy. They have absolute silence, the kids are kept in a whole separate section, they have great couches, and they have tons of books and computers. Who can beat that?
I've always used "I hate exercise" as an excuse not to do it. Until I read this magazine article that said we hate doing other things but do them anyway, so why not exercise? I hate cooking lately, but I do that. I hate grocery shopping, too. But I do that.So I guess I'll have to give up my excuse and get off my fat ass and go walking. I found a website that said to use a pedometer and figure out your average daily steps over three days, and then increase that by 2000 steps. (My average steps are probably about fifteeen; how far is it from the recliner to bed and back to the recliner?) Then they said figure out how many calories you eat on an average day and decrease that by 100 (they said that's one pat of butter). Evidently you do this ever so often until you are actually living a healthy lifestyle. So my goal is somewhere around 2015 steps a day and 8400 calories! I think I can do that.....
All joking aside, I'm as sick of being fat as I am sick of my house. And I'm sick of complaining about both and not doing anything about them.
If you haven't seen "The Breakup" with Jennifer Anniston, but you've ever been in a relationship, then you need to go. Funny stuff.
We are driving 150 miles next weekend to see the new Superman in IMAX. My son has already got our tickets, and my husband can't wait. Yippee. Can you tell how excited I am? But usually I like these things a lot better than I think I will.
Well that's all I can think of to gripe about today, so I'll end this here.


Freebird said...

I love hanging out at the library or bookstore too. Some many different books to look through.

I saw the The Break Up about three weeks ago. It was funny and sad. I'm glad I saw it alone. Was going to go with John, but there were some things in the movie that reminded me of what we went through during that time and would have been VERY ackward.

The Tuckered One said...

If you can find a type of exercise you like doing then you won't dread it so much. Eg. Freebird likes to dance and does jazzercise.

While you're walking you could listen to a book on tape, talk on the phone, or find a buddy to walk with and make the time go by faster.

Or since you like bike riding you could ride a stationary bike while watching TV. You could install a punching bag in the living room to smack while watching Oprah :-)

Freebird said...

"You could install a punching bag in the living room to smack while watching Oprah :-)"

That's a good one! lol

continuitygirl said...

I so want to be a mystery shopper one of my friends does this in her spare time and really enjoys it.