Sunday, March 04, 2007

Redneck Treehouse?

We went to the baby sale and really racked up. My hubbie and I bought a porta-crib/playpen thing to keep at our house for the baby. We also found an infant seat with the toys hanging down, some children's books, and some cute baby toys. My daughter found a new infant tub, some maternity clothes, and a nice baby swing. I found a high chair I really wanted but it had no price. It turned out someone had spotted it before me and removed the tag so she could come back and get it later. Oh well. Better luck next time.
We had lunch at Steak and Shake, then went to a huge indoor flea market near here. I think there were four warehouse type buildings stuffed with vendors and all we saw was JUNK JUNK JUNK. I can't imagine why anyone would actually buy any of that stuff.
I saw a Gilmore girls show this week and they had a baby shower. They bought a white onesie to decorate with fabric paint for each guest at the shower. Then they gave them to the mom-to-be. I thought that was a really cute idea, so now I'm looking for a place to buy a large number of onesies. So far it looks like Walmart has the best prices.
My family doctor still thinks there's a good chance I have something called hemochromatosis. My sister has it and two of her children. Since menopause, I've had a lot of the symptoms. I see a hemotologist this month to find out. It won't kill me but it sure needs to be treated before it gets any worse, if that's what it is. The way it is treated is by giving blood OFTEN, and that depletes the iron in the blood, which my body stores too much of, at least it does if I have this disease. I'm still hoping they are wrong. Not that I mind giving blood, but it sure does sound like a hassle to have to go that often.
My son, the DJ, called me the other night and said Hey, You're on the radio! Then he proceeded to ask me about whether I loved him or his sister best. The clip is on his website, and click on the podcast that says call to my mom or something like that. I told him he would definitely not be in the top of three if he kept making me do stuff on the radio. I sound like such a redneck.


Anonymous said...

Ha, I will listen when I get home. It's funny, as I was just thinking this weekend, again, how one of the weird things about reading blogs is that you don't know what the people sound like. Now I'll know what you sound like!

Anonymous said...

Ha! You didn't sound like a redneck! Did you tell him on the air you wouldn't like him anymore if he kept calling you up, because that part was not on the web.

Forest Lady said...

Yeah, he chopped it up before he aired it or posted it. What he actually said was, "You're on the radio, Deal with it" but he left the deal with it out. ha.

Anonymous said...

I love the, "don't do this to me." Made me wonder how many times you've said that very thing to him.

I agree with Amy, you don't sound like a redneck. I thought you sounded rather young and happy.

Anonymous said...

Heard this Dr. on NPR talking about hemochromatosis and how it protected our ancestors from plague.