Saturday, January 26, 2008

Kindle Kindle Kindle

My Amz Kindle is finally on it's way, after being backordered for a month, and will be here on Monday, if UPS doesn't leave it on the wrong doorstep, which they have been known to do around here.

I had to go to the dr today, and I have lost three pounds this week, for a total of 21 pounds. That is since the end of October. I don't know why we never did the low-carb thing back when it was the craze, but I guess I am usually about two years behind the curve on most things.

It's been so cold here (Yeah, not compared to Alaska, Amy, but cold for us- 18 degrees at night.) I haven't wanted to leave the house. Plus I still have bronchitis, AGAIN. So I haven't done much this week. I did manage to make dinner every night, but everything else around here is a mess. Our laundry is at piled so high, the hamper won't hold it. I have to get that done today. Maybe.

I finished Water for Elephants, and am reading Night by Elie Weisel. It's a short book but of course, very hard to read because of the content.

We haven't been to synagogue in a few weeks, but when I kick this cold, we will go back. I am hoping they will have another class sometime in February.

I joined an online book club. Their March books are Book Thief and The Alchemist. I ordered Book Thief for the Kindle. I don't know about The Alchemist. Since they had two choices, I thought I might just do one and not both.

That's about all the news for now. Oh, one more thing. My middle son had an interview this week with Amazon! That would be so cool to have a son who gets an Amz discount!


The Tuckered One said...

Yay! I'm glad it is finally being delivered.

21 lbs is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 21 pounds is great. And it's 6 degrees right now. That is way too cold.