Friday, February 08, 2008

Munching, Muses, Messes

My husband has been gone since Wednesday on a business trip. He just called and said he won't be home tonight until around seven, because the DC airport is backed up and he has been re-routed through Atlanta. Since he's been gone, I've cleaned the house, caught up on laundry, done some reading, and just enjoyed the quiet with no TV on.
I bought an MP3 album of classical music (A Bride's Collection of Traditional Wedding Music - Will Taylor) and it's been so relaxing to putter around the house with it playing in the background.

I got a check for the book that is coming out in March (Cup of Comfort for Single Mothers). I had my hair colored, highlighted, and cut. Then I spent the rest of it on a new down pillow. Sleep is very important to me the older I get, and nothing beats a new pillow. It's suppose to be delivered today. Then for the wild child in me, I ordered a sweatshirt from the National Organization for Women. On the front it says, "Feminism is the radical notion that women are people." I also made a small donation to Hillary's campaign.

I'm on my fourth round of antibiotics for the sinus/bronchitis/sinus/bronchitis mess I've had since the cruise. The last two times I've been on an antibiotic along with prednisone. And I've been starving. Nights are the worst. I have a normal dinner and then am dying of the munchies from then until bedtime. I just couldn't figure out what my problem was, because I had been doing so well.

Then I remembered the prednisone. When I worked at hospice, our regional manager commented on a girl who had been prescribed prednisone and said, "It will make you feel like you want to eat the back end of a horse." So after I remembered that, I relaxed a bit. I only have one more day of that med and then things should bet back together as far as appetite goes. In the meantime, I went to the grocery and bought some low carb snacks (low carb yogurt, low carb popsicles, made some tuna salad, deviled eggs, bought pork rinds, etc.) So at least if I feel like munching, I can leave all horses' hineys alone. I'm sure they will feel better, and I know I will.

For a long time, my family has said i needed to write a book. I had in my mind that if I was going to put the time toward it, it had to not be A book but THE book. So the perfectionist in me could never come up with THE idea for THE book, so I've procrastinated. I decided yesterday that I will write a few books, just for me, ones I want to write, even if I never let anyone read them. That's how I've done best with my writing so far, write it for me..if someone else likes it, fine. If not, I'm still happy to have written it. So I've decided to just start and see where it goes. I may have to write several before I find one I really like and am proud of. But sitting around ruminating over beginning is getting me nowhere.

Yesterday's Oprah said clutter in your home makes your butt fat. ha. See there, something else I can blame on my packrat hubby.....

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