Sunday, June 22, 2008

Twelve Things

I've been told when it comes to my blog posts, I'm either way up or way down. Today, I'm down, and I don't know what to write. So I'm going to write this entry in a list.

1.) I haven't seen my youngest son in months. He called night before last at 10 PM and said he was on his way to my house. He got here at 5 AM (or he said, as I was asleep). He slept until 8, then I heard his cell ringing. Ten minutes later, his dad pulls up, they load both their motorcycles on a trailer and head off to Florida for a vacation, towing the trailer. He did hug me before he left. He also left me a handful of his publicity photos. That's ok, since I'm his biggest fan. He's a big time DJ with a syndicated show, for those of you who don't know. To me, he's my baby that stays way too busy, and I miss him.

2.) Since Hillary is not going to be our Dem nominee, I am undecided how I will vote. I'm waiting to see who he chooses as a running mate, and who McCain picks.

3.) My husband says I'm down farther than he's seen me. My therapist says I'm down farther than she's seen me. They talked alone this week. My husband came out and told me I can hire a cleaning lady every two weeks, and he's been being very sweet to me. I don't know what she said but I hope she says it often.

4.) His mom is coming for three weeks. She will be here Wednesday. I'm on my second round of antibiotics for a UTI, feel like crap. So needless to say, her visit is not really exciting for me right now.

5.) God saw fit to give me mercy and the family reunion was canceled on it's scheduled date for rain, on its rain date for rain, and it didn't rain either day. So maybe I'm off the hook.

6.) I heard of a writing contest from one of my former editors. No entry fee, just prizes for the winners. She was entering it, and she's the best writer I know, so I thought I'd have not a shot in hell, but before I left for Seattle, I polished up one I had written some time ago and submitted it. They got tens of thousands of entries, I have been told, and mine is number 5 right now. I didn't know until I got an email that said, "We're sure you have realized you're one of the top contenders, so please take some time to submit an avatar." That was the first I had thought of it since early May when I submitted my story. So we'll see. But I do feel honored.

7.) I hate Rush Limbaugh.

8.) I put my white coverlet and seablue dust ruffle on my bed and hung new sheers on the windows. It feels like summer in there.

9.) My book club is reading The Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George. I got it in the mail yesterday. It's ginormous. It makes Pillars of the Earth look skinny. It better be good.

10.) I have to get another cellphone. I can't read the screen on this one anymore, even with new glasses.

11.) My youngest son came in on his visit, looked at me and said, Geez, You've got hippie hair. (Huh?) Then he said I look like Lisa Loeb with my new glasses. I had no idea who Lisa Loeb was. I looked her up. She looks ok to me, so i guess it was a compliment, but the hippie hair I'm not too sure of.

12.) It's 9 AM. I've been up for an hour. I'm going back to bed.

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