Saturday, April 18, 2009

TARGET is the DEVIL !!

I got into a tussel with Target. The store here had a sewing machine on display with a price of $49.99, a Singer. I thought it sounded too good to be true, so I got an employee to come check. He scanned it and said no, that's their regular price, and although they are out of them right now, they do have some more coming in, or he can check other nearby stores. I said, "That's not a sale price? Do I need a raincheck?" "No, that's our regular price for that machine."

Ok, sounded good to me. He checked the store in Huntsville, and they had two. He asked them to hold me one. (You know where this is going, don't you?) So I sent hubby by there after work, they ring it up, and it says $299. So they called the store here and then tell us that it's our store's closeout price, but they are not closing it out at their store, so it's three hundred bucks.

I was very upset, but hubby did not want to argue with them so he left. He did stop by the store here and let the manager know how upset I was, but all he said was he would find out why the employee told me that (don't think he believed us) but his hands were tied. I swore I'd never go to Target again, but of course I will. How can you NOT go to Target?

No, I didn't really need a new sewing machine, but my old one needs repairing (my daughter is using the embroidery machine) and I figured if I could get one for that price, it would be cheaper than a repair. It all worked out, as I ended up finding a great deal on one from Amazon and used my gift certificate, so it ended well, despite Target.

My son got the job he'd been interviewing for in Huntsville. He was concerned because his third interview didn't go as well as the first two, but he got an offer. He starts a week from Monday. He's so excited; he went out and bought a new razor. ha.

I made Madeleine's today. I even bought the little shell-shaped tin to make them in. Very good to eat, very bad for a diet. I was just trying out a batch so I could make them for our card players Monday night.

Tomorrow I'm making a big batch of spaghetti sauce by my ex's ex-wife's recipe. (Following that?) All the time we were married, which wasn't long, either time (married him twice, confused yet?) he raved about this sauce, best he'd ever had. So I got him to ask his daughter to ask her mom for the recipe for HIM (she wouldn't have given it to me) and I've had it ever since. I never tried it. Ran across the recipe this week when I was sorting through some old papers copying recipes for my recipe box, and I decided to try it. It has a lot of spices in it, so who knows how it will turn out. Nothing like experimenting on my hubby and son. Neither complains, as long as it's edible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am mad at Target too! Somebody bought me a car seat and sleeper from my registry off the web. I had to return them, but couldn't do it at the store. So I had to PAY to ship it back, about $20. Then, my credit is only redeemable online. So I'll have to PAY shipping for whatever I buy. So what started out as a $120 gift will end up being only about $80. Ugh.