Monday, August 03, 2009

More of the Same Ol' Stuff

I haven't updated my blog in awhile, and I'm not going back to read what I've written before, so if I repeat myself, well...I'm old, get over it. ha.
We had a good weekend in some ways and bad in others. We saw two movies, Orphan (good if you like scary movies) and Ugly Truth (sort of a chick flick written for guys, who won't go see it, and the women who do won't like it, although..the woman behind us thought it was hilarious and laughed louder than anyone I've ever heard). I stuck with my diet. I'm down 19 lbs. I had been stuck for quite awhile, and now seem to be edging down again.
I dyed my hair red, because I felt like it. I think I like it, but I'm not sure yet.
I lost my calendar book, the one I carry in my purse with every appointment, address, phone numbers, etc in it, the one my life is planned on, the one I'd be lost without. I've searched everywhere, so it's gone. I bought another one, but haven't even attempted to start putting things back into it yet. I did call to make sure I didn't have a doctor's appt today, as I knew it was sometime in August. I lose things like this, and then I get mad at myself for not being more organized. Then I get organized for awhile, let it go, and lose something else important.
I told someone today I feel like I did when I used to have PMS, only I don't know what to call it when it's not PMS, it's menopause. She said you call it HELL. Sounds about right to me.
We signed up for a cruise with our townhome community for May of next year. About 20 couples are going. I'm going with my son on one in November. I'm looking forward to both of them. Also worried about the money they cost.
Well that's about it around here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you cruising up to Alaska?!