Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Skype, Cooking and Playing Matchmaker

I found a lady on Skype that does piano lessons on the computer. I signed up and start next week. I took piano lessons many years ago, until a divorce meant my ex took his beautiful Baldwin piano and left. Since he didn't play, and I did, that smarted some. But it was his piano.

I also started a cooking blog. Nothing fancy. Just what I actually make for dinner every night, when I cook. If you comment, please try not to lead people back to this one! I'd be disowned by my family if they knew what I said in here to you all. :-)
I lost that twelve pounds the dr told me to lose, plus some. Then he said my blood sugar was still up and I may have to go on medicine in December anyway. Really ticked me off. I may or may not take it. It was 101 fasting, which is not really that high. So we'll see.

My hubby and I went to see District 8 with my son at the movies. Stay away! It was HORRIBLE. I fell asleep twice.

A neighbor decided I should fix up my son with her granddaughter. Even though i decided he would not appreciate that, and I wouldn't mention it to him, she keeps at me. Every time I see her, she mentions it again. I don't know how to put an end to it gracefully. She's not his type. She's a very nice, sweet, quiet girl, and he's into the bad girl stripper type. No they are not marriage material but I don't think that's what is on his mind right now.


Anonymous said...

I think that is TOTALLY the way to get your neighbor off your back. Although it's so over the top, she may not believe you!

Forest Lady said...

Yeah, what is that they say about truth being stranger than fiction? ha ha