Wednesday, September 16, 2009

She Loves Me!

Ok, how cute is that! I love being a Granny.
I got contacts. Before I had my lazy eye corrected, contacts were not even an option. So because I'm old, and half blind, the doctor gave me monovision, one for distance, and one for reading. I'm adjusting and think they will work out well. It took me some time to figure out how to take them out (putting them in was easy). My husband reassured my efforts by saying, "They are not worth the trouble." "Why can't you just wear glasses?" "I think they are what are giving you headaches." (I have a sinus infection...headaches go along with that until the antibiotics kick in--It's NOT the contacts.) Anyway, they are new to me, but I think they are way cool. :-)
I'm doing great on the antidepressants. I just need to take them, and not quit them when I feel better.
I'm looking forward to winter and getting out jackets and sweaters. I'm tired of gauze tops and flip-flops. My daughter is having Christmas at her house this year, so I can even look forward to that!
Thanks for all of you who read and encourage me. I really do appreciate it!


Jammie J. said...

Oh my word, she is adorable! I love that video! :)

Hope you continue to adjust to your contacts... I'll bet it feels kind of weird to have them after so long with glasses?

Glad your death row visit went well (that sounds weird).

I'm ready for a sesson change, too, for what it's worth in California...


Forest Lady said...

Hi Jammie, Oh yes, contacts are so strange at first. I think I'm adjusting though. I think it will be great when I get used to them and don't have to blindly feel for reading glasses every time I sit down somewhere.
Visiting a prison sure would make potential convicts change their ways. They should take all high school kids there. It's like they say the best birth control is visiting someone with a lot of children. ha.

Cathy said...

That is one happy child! You are one lucky granny.

I love the big grin on her face after she throws the kiss.

I have a question about the contacts. Do you have any vertigo when you first started wearing them?

I've heard those can cause vertigo and I shy away from anything that will cause me to spin.

Vertigo or not it would be nice to not hav to constnatly be wondering where I left my glasses.

Keep me posted on how they work out.

I can't imagine you on death row...not even for a visit.

Forest Lady said...

Catny, I couldn't imagine myself visiting there either, but I'm glad I went. No vertigo with the contacts. That would have been a deal breaker.