Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All the Latest in February in Alabama

Hmm...News....Let's see...It's even harder not living close to the grandkids now that there are two of them! My grandson is growing so fast. My granddaughter does call me on the phone or we talk on Skype pretty often. She was sitting at her desk talking to me on Skype the other day and she leaned into the camera and said, "I gotta potty Granny- You stay right there." :-)
My hubby got me a big box of chocolates, a card, and a balloon. That was nice. He had left them on the counter when he left really early for work. When I got up, I walked around in the kitchen for an hour before I noticed this box of candy with a huge balloon tied to it. Gives much more meaning to "I'm still half asleep."
I'm still drawing some. I've been addicted to thrift store shopping lately. We have another cruise planned in May and I want some new summer clothes for that. I cleaned out my closet, which was a major job, and got rid of four trash bags full of clothes that neither I nor hubby could wear anymore. Put them on Craigslist for free and they went quickly.
My mom called to tell me my sister and her husband drove out to see my dad, and he was asking about me. She said I need to go. I planned to go yesterday, but then I came down with this yucky cold. I don't want to give this to anyone else. Almost made it all winter without a cold. I'm lucky that I don't get sick often, but when I do, it's usually a doozie.
I went back to therapy last week. Hadn't been since October. She said the depression is so much better (and the doctor agrees) and that we need to start working on some issues "that we couldnt' work on when you were depressed." That sounds lovely. ha. She also had me buy this book called Better Boundaries and start journaling again. Hey I wonder if blogging counts. I doubt it. But I do pretty much write on here what I would write in there.
My cleaning lady told me this week she hates the picture over my sofa because it looks very 80's. I said well that's when I bought it. I've had it since my kids were little. So now I keep wondering if I should take it down, or paint over it. It's a very large picture. Shouldn't waste a perfectly good frame. Maybe I'll paint over it. A little Jackson Pollack. :)
When she comes to clean, if I'm home, she talks to me...a LOT. Takes her twice as long to get done. I usually try to go somewhere because the exterminator was coming for his monthly visit, and the poop lady was coming. So I had to be here to pay them. She talked and talked and talked, and then told me she felt it was so easy to talk to me because I'm such a good listener. I figured out that people must like the deer in the headlights look, followed by silence. I thought I just was being quiet because I didn't have anything to say, or a chance to get a word in if I did, but evidently I'm a great listener and so understanding and easy to talk to. Go figure.
Well, nothing else happening.

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