Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Tis the Season to be Jolly

Ever had the experience when you first awaken and you feel great for about two seconds. Slowly this feeling comes over you that something is wrong...but your brain isn't working well enough yet to remember what it is. Slowly, like a picture coming into focus, everything that is wrong or you've been dreading slowly invades your peaceful consciousness happy place? Well that happened again to me this morning, and this is what invaded my consciousness:
I've got one week until my mother-in-law arrives for Christmas. Did I mention my daughter and son-in-law are also going to be here a few days, and my son is coming in from Savannah? Plus my new step-daughter and her new husband are driving in from Florida. Plus the son who still lives here....And I'm the chief cook and bottle-washer, maid, hostess, event planner, entertainment committee, and referee? I'm exhausted before I start.
Well I decided this year would have to be easier. I mean, a girl shouldn't wake up dreading two weeks of her life, right? So I made a few phone calls.
I called a cleaning lady. She's coming Saturday morning to give the house a good shining. (The word shining immediately brought to mind Jack Nicholson and the images of his hatchet and I wondered if calling him in was a possibility...just kidding...)
I called my husband at work to tell him that I don't intend to cook every day. I'll pull off Christmas dinner, as always, but be prepared for some pizza and Chinese take-out. He said fine. (He knows better than to argue with me this time of year.)
I called my daughter and asked them to plan a trip to take the MIL to Opryland Hotel to see the Christmas lights and eat out dinner there.
I moved a loveseat into my bedroom beside my bookshelf, and put a pole lamp in there, so I have a place to "cornfield." (I read of a rural lady who, when she was overwhelmed with life, would hide in her cornfield, until her family sounded sincerely needy. Then she would reappear.) I also created a similar place in the guest room so MIL can retreat from us, too.
I also make a pact with myself that perfect Christmases don't exist, this one won't be either, that I DON'T care if they think I'm not perfect or even if they hate me for not cooking the perfect Christmas ham. I'll meet my expectations and not their's. My kids will love it anyway. The in-laws will have to adapt.
God, now I'm ready to go back to bed and get into my happy place again....
Ho Ho Hooooooo.....

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