Tuesday, December 14, 2004

God, are you there?

I have looked for God all my life. I know the saying is if you can't find Him, it's YOU who moved, but I keep moving and searching and not finding Him for very long. I've been a member of every kind of church imaginable. I've always gone in and tried so hard to do everything they told me and be the perfect Christian, yet it doesn't take long until I lose interest, and go looking for something else. I've been "saved" or "rededicated" twenty or thirty times (once I'm almost sure was real, but then wonder if it wasn't just the relief from guilt I felt) , have been through six baptisms (some churches don't accept other churches' ordinances). I've heard of people who had these life-changing religious experiences, but I know that doesn't happen to everyone. I know the Bible probably better than most people, can quote most of it. I have been in Bible classes of one kind or another all my life. When I have approached "religious" people and presented this problem, I mostly get scripture quoted to me. I KNOW ALL THAT!
There are times I am almost sure it's real. There are times I wonder if any of it is real. I wish I could say I have spirituality in my life in some real way. I go to church every Sunday. I sit in the pew. I listen to people give their testimonies. I watch them weep with emotion and wonder what's wrong with me? When called upon, I can give a pretty decent prayer. But even though I have done all the things I was told to do, it doesn't seem to "take" with me.
Is it wrong to want something REAL? Everyone has to find their own "path" but I seem to have gotten the joke map that goes around in circles.

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