Monday, January 10, 2005

A Monday in the New Year

Well I decided to cancel the math class I was planning to take at Calhoun. I enrolled in it just for fun, as it was a class I had before (years ago). Yes, I know that officially makes me really weird to sign up for math for fun. But hey, you get your kudos by what you are good at. Anyway, I signed up for dulcimer lessons instead. And my husband bought me one. It's a McSpadden, which is suppose to be a really good one, and I love the way the clip sounds they have. I can't wait to get it. Here's a picture of it. Dulcimer and here's how it sounds
Also, I decided one of the reasons I feel so tired all the time is lack of exercise, and I joined Curves. I go three times a week for a 30 minute workout, and I already feel better after the first week. They do BMI, actual body mass weight (minus fat), etc, and it was really badddddd.... So maybe this will improve things. I love blogging. I can read my daughter's and get an almost daily update on how they are doing. Even with email we don't keep in touch as often as I would like. My youngest son said his New Years resolution is to call me more. How about that.

1 comment:

The Tuckered One said...

How pretty! It has little hearts on it!