Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Me? A REAL writer?

It's been a better day. We leave for our trip tomorrow and I'm looking forward to the long weekend away. It's in a room overlooking the river, and everyone says the scenery is really pretty. I haven't been to a lodge type thing since my son-in-law invited me to Guntersville Lodge to celebrate my daughter's college graduation. So it will be nice.
I'm really excited that I heard from a publisher that one of my stories I submitted a long time ago, she thinks would be perfect for a book that is coming out soon. She sent me the editor's private email and said to write and let them know she referred me. Then after I wrote to thank her, she wrote back and said she wished me luck and then she bragged on my story and how she had kept it hoping they'd publish some anthology she could use it in. Somehow you're not a REAL writer until something gets published.
I haven't told my husband about the publisher's email. I probably won't. If they accept my story, then I'll tell him. Then I'll have good news. It's hard to tell him and then not get accepted, and have to report that. He gives me this look like he never thought they would but didn't want to say that. Of course, he doesn't say that, and I could be imagining it and that not be how he feels at all. Either way, I think I'll keep it to myself awhile and see what happens.
I watched a lifetime movie this morning about a fifty year old woman having a baby. As much as I love my kids, if that happened to me, I think I'd die, KERRR PLUNK.

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