Friday, July 22, 2005

Bad Hair Days

Some people have asked me how the "growing out my hair" thing is going. Well I haven't cut it. It's at that ugly in between stage where it's not long enough for long styles, and too long for short styles. But I'm hanging in there. I couldn't believe all the response I got that was so positive on letting it grow, and how many women feel the same way. Made me feel a lot better about deciding to do it.
I haven't said much lately about my balance problems. I'm still having a really hard time walking without bumping into walls or tripping over my own feet. The doctor said to come back in six weeks, but that's been several weeks ago and it's no better. My son suggested this morning that perhaps, just perhaps, I should consider getting a cane to help me with my balance. It upset me but I realize he's probably right. Now I feel sort of like the old person who's deaf but won't get the hearing aid? But being afraid to go out for fear of falling or stumbling around until people look at me like I'm drunk, are keeping me from doing things I want to do.
I'm hoping the doctor will have something else we can do to help this when I go back. I can't stand the thought that this may be how it is from now on. I scare myself driving because images, once they bounce( like going over a bump), keep bouncing. So I haven't been driving but depending on hubby to take me everywhere. I feel better just doing some griping about it on here, though.

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