Saturday, September 17, 2005

Excuse me, Can I move my desk OUTSIDE?

I love that show Office Space. Never expected to be working around the loonies though. Now I find I am. Our General Mgr is out of the office doing training. That left the Patient Care Manager (I'm her secretary) in charge. We also have a girl who serves as "office mgr" which means she orders office supplies, faxes things, sends in our payroll, etc. My boss asked the Office Mgr to call HR for her to get a pay range because she was going to hire a new nurse (who was sitting there at the time waiting to fill out her new hire paperwork). Well, the office manager yelled at her, "I don't have to do what you say. You're not my boss. The GM is my boss. I'm not your Peeee-onnnnn anymore!" So the fight was on. My boss said she's not going to be left in charge if she's not in charge, etc, so she got on the phone with the GM. The Office Mgr said she wasn't going to be told what to do by someone who was not her boss, so she called the GM. Then someone called the REGIONAL mgr and she pulled our GM out if his training class about the conflict in our office. A lot of people very aggravated, all at one time. Our GM does his typical "I have no balls" act, and tried to speak to each person on the phone saying whatever they wanted to hear, and taking no stand on any of it. When confronted by HIS own boss that he had to handle it, he said he'd do it when he got back in town (another week). In the meantime, the two women in our office are not speaking, so they send each other EMAILS when they want something. Well email is a wonderful thing. But it sure does cause some breakdowns in communication, if you are not sure what the other person is asking. My boss asked me if I needed any office supplies as she was going to EMAIL the office manager. I said yes, I need 25 binders for charts. Three days later, a huge order from Staples comes in, and the office mgr unpacks it all, but no binders show up in our office, so I asked her. (See, I can ask someone directly without email!) She said no one told her I needed chart binders..... So I trudge back into my office, and ask my boss. She sends an EMAIL back into the other room and says where are the binders I requested.....The office mgr says they are in the storage room.....Boss passes this on to me. I search the storage room but there are no cheap burgundy binders like we use for charts. There are three giant boxes of white expensive ones with the plastic sheet protectors on the front. Hmm....Now I'm confused....So I trudge back to the office manager's desk and said Are we switching to white binders for charts? No.... Then what are the white ones for...."Well your boss just said binders, she didn't say they were for charts..." I said, "They're for charts....but I don't care what color they are...I'll use them. Thanks." (My attempt at smoothing over the situation." She replied, "Well now my budget is shot to hell because you can't figure out what kind of binders you two need." I shook my head and trudged back into my corner. This all brings me to my questions. When did grown people revert back to being children, and will they ever grow out of this? Or is this my lot in life until my own retirement. If I ran the world (company), I'd have a cure for all this....I'd call them both in, tell them they are acting like spoiled brats, they have to learn to get along, and if they don't play well together, I'll call their mothers to come get them....Oh wait....That is what I say to children..... :-) Now I understand why old people turn off their hearing aids......

1 comment:

The Tuckered One said...

Good grief! And I thought the people at my office were bad. It sounds like your GM needs to grow a spine.

My boss also likes to send me emails rather than talk to me. But since he can't spell, I can't understand what he's talking about half the time, so I have to go ask him.