Monday, September 26, 2005

I'm Not Making This Stuff Up

Our boss called a staff meeting. Monday mornings are hectic. I, myself, have four reports due by 9 AM that I can't get the updated info for until 8AM. But the boss just has to have this meeting, and he went through the office rounding everyone up. After we are all assembled, he begins a kindergarten type game of our getting to know each other. What is your favorite food etc? I wanted to scream.
Then, one of my co-workers interrupted him. I noticed she looked really bad, like she was sick or had very little sleep. She started to talk, and she was babbling and making no sense. I asked the girl next to me if perhaps that lady was having a reaction to some medicine. She looked at me like I was from some other planet, and said, "No....she's DRUNK!" I didn't recognize it. I felt really naive. They sent her home. Drunk at 8AM is a pretty bad sign I guess.

1 comment:

Freebird said...

Wow, I'm a bit surprised they didn't just fire her.

Do you work for the government or something? ;-)