Sunday, September 25, 2005

Mistaken Idea

I guess I've had the mistaken idea for a long time that the world revolves around me. When everyone at work is grouchy, I think there is something I should have/could have done to make them happier. When I dress I'm sure if I wear the same pants I wore two days ago, but with a different blouse, someone will notice and wonder why. If someone honks their car horn in traffic, I immediately wonder what I did wrong. And if there is a lapse in the conversation when I enter a room, I figure they must have been talking about me. Oh I think I've always been like this. But last week made it even clearer. My book came out that my short story was in. I took it to work. I was so proud of it. I had a daydream in my mind that I'd show it to one person and before long everyone in the office would know and be so excited for me. I showed it to one person who said, "Oh, that's nice. Leave it on my desk and I'll look at it later if I have time." I went back to my desk to pout. Later that morning, I had convinced myself that she was just having a bad day, but everyone else would be excited for me. So I got it from her desk and went to the back office and told two nurses there. They had about the same reaction. That time I went back to my desk, book in hand, put it in the drawer with my purse, and didn't take it back out. I realized it was a lot more exciting to me than everyone else. But it started me thinking. Does anyone really notice what I wear? Whether or not my car was washed lately? Whether or not there is dust on my coffee table? Does anyone really notice anything? Or is everyone like me, so wrapped up in worrying what others think of them, that they don't think anything of others? It's certainly something to think about......

1 comment:

Freebird said...

Thank God I work at home and don't have to worry about this sort of thing cause very little in my closet fits these days. I have one pair of jeans (maybe two) that fit okay and they get worn to death.