Thursday, September 29, 2005

Playing Hookey

I'm having a problem with waking up in the middle of the night wide awake and can't get back to sleep (hot flashes are hell). I think being tired all the time is why the stress at work is getting to me. So I decided to take a day off. I'm playing hookey.
I slept until 9:15. I'm still in my nightgown. I'm watching Dr. Phil on Tivo and playing on the computer. And feel like this is the best day I've had in a long time.....
Honestly (and why should I be anything but honest on here), I'd have already quit my job except for two reasons. One is the people at work wondered why I came back to work in the first place and made an unofficial bet to themselves about how long before I'd quit. The other thing is I am giving most of every check to things my kids need. The check I get tomorrow bought a dulcimer for my youngest and a plane ticket for the older one to travel to see his girlfriend. My older son is in college full-time, using his savings to pay tuition and books, and his girlfriend lives in another state, so since I don't want him to quit school, I help them see each other.
So today, I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself, thinking about how much my desk will be piled up with work when I get back tomorow, and also how little I want to do any of it.
But at least I remember how good it felt to play hookey from school. Just wish I still had my Granny here to take care of me and make my lunch. :-)

1 comment:

Freebird said...

Ah, I think its so sweet you help your son see his girlfriend. I'm sure they both really appreciate it. You sound like an awesome mom. :-) I think it's funny that they're placing bets on you, but who cares. Quit when you want to.