Sunday, October 02, 2005

Repeat after me...ain't....ayyy-inttttt.....

My husband is going out of town tomorrow, and other than my son, who stays upstairs most of the time when he's not attending classes, I will have the house to myself. I get to "live single" for the next three days. What does live single mean? No, not some illicit affair. It means I get to have the whole bed, leave the tv off an entire evening and listen to music, not have to talk to anyone when I get home from work, not care what's for dinner or even if there is dinner. It means I can have the last coke in the frig if I want. It means I can get out of the shower without being oogled (is oogled a word?)
Don't get me wrong. I love my husband It's just that I was single a long time before I met him and I kind of got used to "my space". I'm really looking forward to the quiet.
We went to see Flightplan today, and it was pretty good. Lots of action, fast moving plot. And Jody Foster shows that women can still look good at any age. I saw Charlize Theron on Oprah talking about how she doesn't mind getting older. I thought, "No I wouldn't worry about it either if I looked like her." Ha. Oprah is not concerned either. She's lost her weight (hiring a cook and personal trainer helps). She's got billions. Her biggest problem is those darn shops in France that won't stay open for her. I don't like to watch her show anymore. I used to. But now it's all about celebrities and people like her. I liked it better when she was people like us. Am I the only one who thinks her fame has gone to her head, that she gives that haughty look like she owns the world (probably could). Ok, I'll lay off Oprah. I'll stick to Dr. Phil. I know he's real. He even says "ain't" once in awhile.

1 comment:

Freebird said...

I don't watch Oprah too much anymore for that reason. I did watch some of that Charlize Theron interview. I thought it was premature for her to be saying she didn't mind aging when the girl is clearly too young for wrinkles, a slow metabolism, saggy boobs, and gray hair. I wonder if she'll feel the same way in 30 years. Doubt it.