Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Is it Friday yet?

Well the one girl in our office who is "in your face" offensive to everyone got in trouble with the General Mgr for being offensive. Go figure. I bet she's been that way her whole life and been told that numerous times but still can't figure out she has a problem. That's the way my ex was. Nothing was wrong with him, according to him. He was perfect, if only the rest of the world would recognize it. Poor baby.
I'm enjoying my time alone. But I'm ready for my husband to come home. He'll be back tomorrow night. He misses me, too. Awwwww.
I put clean crisp sheets on the bed, and sprayed them with linen spray that smells like lavender (it's a girl thing) so I can have a great bed by myself for one more night.....
I'm so ready for the weekend. I'm exhausted. My boss has been out this week and my work load has been tripled. I need a break. I am scared not to do a good job, because I am pretty new with the company. On the other hand, I am afraid if I handle more of a load TOO well she'll leave those extra things for me to do from now on. Uggg.
I watched Gilmore Girls and watched Lorelei and Rory (mother and daughter) feuding and I miss my daughter. We haven't had any girl time alone in a long time. It's way past time for curling up in our PJ's watching chick flicks and passing the Kleenex. And throw in a pan of brownies and we'd be set.
My youngest son bought a motorcycle. I'm trying desperately not to think about it. Denial has served me well most of my life. But this morning, a motorcycle up ahead of me went to pass a car and the car didn't see him and started to pull over and I screamed and then shook all the way to work. I had this vision of my son on that motorcycle. I hope it's a phase and it passes quickly. Very quickly.
Well this entry is sooo boring but I am feeling pretty boring tonight so I guess this expresses it well. ha.

1 comment:

Freebird said...

Where do you find lavender linen spray? Never heard of such a thing. Been having trouble sleeping lately, maybe that will do the trick. Can't hurt.

I don't blame you for being freaked about your son on motorcycle. I would feel the exact same way.