Thursday, October 06, 2005

Stress S-T-R-E-S-S

My husband came home last night from his trip. I met him at the door and when he asked how things were, I burst into tears. For the next hour, I cried over how stressed I am from work, how I feel like everyone dumps everything on me, how I'm always behind, how everyone is so negative, how all I can think about is how much I hate it. Then I cried some more.
He did what good husbands are told to do, listen and sympathize, but not offer advice or counsel. I finally realized this is what he was attempting to do, and I corrected him by saying, "I WANT your ADVICE. I WANT you to FIX THIS!!!!"
He said 1) the main part of what is bothering me is that I feel like I'm failing because I can't do everything that is thrown at me (true) 2) That I can quit if I want to, but I really wasn't very happy at home either (he's right) and 3) That I have to make up my mind to stand up for myself at work, to speak my mind, to slow down from the frantic pace and just do what I can get done, and leave the rest and 4) that if I keep scrambling and killing myself to get everything done, they will never hire me any help! (Very true).
So after crying myself to sleep last night, I woke up with a new resolve. I went to work with a different mindset. I asked for what I needed, I told people when I didn't have time to do their extra stuff, and I slowed down, stayed focused, got my area organized, took breaks, and went out for a whole hour for lunch. I feel much better about things. And everyone was much nicer to the assertive me than they were the "wimp" me. I may be on to something here.
My husband said I can't change them, but I can change how I react to them. I told him it sounded like excellent advice. He said, "I thought so too when you gave it to me last year when I was so stressed at work." Hm.....

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