Saturday, September 10, 2005

Sausage with Eyes???

I went to the ear doctor and after they made a plastic mold of both ears, they told me to come back in two weeks. I will be wearing two "Cros" hearing aids, behind each ear, one on my bad side with a microphone will send the sound to the good side which has a receiver. Then I can hear people no matter which side of me they stand on, and supposedly can answer the phone on either ear, hear BOTH headphones, etc. Neat, huh. (Sometimes when I am typing my posts, it won't let me "enter" to a new paragraph. When I push enter, my cursor disappears. If anyone can figure this out, let me know.) I am going through Diet Coke withdrawal. My son had two in his frig in his room, and he gave them to me and I shared with hubby. Two hours later, I'm wishing I had that diet coke back from him. Isn't that terrible? It must be some commandment about not coveting your husband's Diet Coke. Won't be the first commandment I blew all to hell. ha. Back in the early 90's, I received an email from Travelzoo, which at that time was a new company just beginning to have stock, and they offered a free share to anyone who visited their site. Their idea was that if you "owned stock" in their company, you would refer your friends to it, etc, thus helping them get off the ground. I forgot all about that one share of stock.....Lately I read an article how some guy sold his "free share", so I decided to look into it. I wrote to them, and they had my email on record, so they sent me a form to fill out. I did, and today I got a check for $180 bucks. Not bad for a free share. So I decided to buy me some clothes. I ordered a pair of brown boots and a tan suede jacket I found on sale. I recently had my color thing done online (it's free. Write, and found out I am suppose to be wearing tans, browns, rusts, deep purple, etc (warm colors) so I'm buying that color stuff. The best part about it is if you stick to a certain color palette everything can go with other stuff you have. And as Andy Paige says, don't buy anything you can't wear with at least three other things. Andy would be proud. We met my daughter when we went to get the hearing aids, and we had lunch at Macaroni Grille. She came in wearing gray slacks and a pink cardigan and she looked so cute! Of course it's easy to look cute when you're a size 8! She told me when she was little that she was never going to be fat, and she eats right and exercises and has always been little. It also may help that she was always little for her age, weighing only five pounds a a premie. I can blame all my fat cells on my mother, because in pictures of me at two, I look like a sausage with eyes!

1 comment:

Freebird said...

LOL! A sausage with eyes.