Friday, September 02, 2005

Ten Signs Of Office Burn-out

1. Your garbage can is your "in box".
2.) You answer the phone at your office, "Hell."
3) Someone asks how your day is going and you tell them to #$%* off.
4) You'd rather spend time with the copier than your co-workers.
5) Thinking of the upcoming weekend is how you get through Monday.
6) You are so stressed during the day you forget to take bathroom breaks.
7) You head out the door for a date and instinctively put on your badge.
8) Your can't remember what the world looks like outside your cubicle.
9) You tell your computer screen what idiots your co-workers are.
And the number ten sign of office burn-out.....
10) You keep thinking how nice it would be to go to jail so you could rest.

1 comment:

Freebird said...

I love #2! I've worked there before.