Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Domestic Goddess

Roseanne Barr may have coined that phrase, but I've taken it to new levels this week!
The only thing I regret about leaving that job is it taking me sooo long to do it. Isn't that the way it is with most things we wrestle with? Fear keeps us in it a lot longer than it should. And usually we don't know what the fear is OF. If my fear was being afraid of not liking being at home, I was wrong! Today I went to the library. Yesterday I sat on my butt. Both were fantastic days.
While I was gone to the library I got a call from one of the people at work. She left a message. She wanted to know how I did something at work. You know...those little things we do that everyone takes for granted until there is no one there to do it? One of those...
Anyway, she said to call her and tell her how to do this and then she added, at the end...."We're not mad at you." Ok, that infuriated me. Mad at ME? Excuse me? So I decided to handle it by doing my normal dodge routine...I deleted her message and figured while they are spending so much time figuring out they are not mad at me, they can just figure out those little things they took for granted when I took care of them....evil grin.....
My house is clean....my dog had a bath today and is all fluffy and sweet, I have a great supper planned, I bought a new journal, I have some great books stockpiled to read, Gilmore Girls comes on tonight, I got an email from my bud Cathy, my daughter made it back safe and sound from Ohio, and I got David Schnaufer to sign my David Schnaufer model dulcimer when we saw him in concert on Saturday. Nothing could rain on this parade right now.

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