Friday, November 11, 2005

Guess what??

I quit my JOBBBBBBBB today! Effective......IMMEDIATELY. I sat there looking at the clock, thinking of what a crappy week I had this week, thinking of how glad I was it was Friday, and then I had this nice weekend to look forward, .......ahhhhh......Sunday.....and then...Oh God( good mood fading to black)....MONDAY and BACK to this HELLHOLE, and a thought occurred to me.....what ....if....I....just....don't....come......BACK!
Then I opened an email from my bud Cathy, and in it she said...."So what is it that is keeping you from quitting? Is it that you're afraid you won't be happy just being at home? Well I can tell you, you were a much happier person when I first met you than you are NOW with this JOB that you HATE!" So....I do what I do when I am trying to make up my mind and I already have Cathy's opinion and I need one more and I can't get in touch with my daughter....I called my husband...and he agreed with Cathy. "No, you're not happy there. Then he said, Jeez, , it's not like if you get bored at home later and want to go back to work you can't find another job that you actually LIKE." And I realized....they are RIGHT.
So then I was faced do I do this? Do I just walk out and not show up Monday? Evil cool would that be....then I thought they'll call and call and wonder...and I sure don't want to deal with THAT. So I sent an EMAIL to my boss who is out of town...and I told him this week I did this and did that...and you need to contact this guy on Monday and la ti da..and then I said and by the way, I quit effective immediately. I left my letter of resignation on your desk, my keys are in the tray on your office door....I know not giving you any notice makes me not eligible for rehire and that's fine...and please respect my wishes, don't call me about this, and mail me my final check.
The end. Short and to the point.
I'm FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Haaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

1 comment:

Freebird said...

I wish I could've seen your supervisor's face when he read that line. See ya - bye bye!