Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It's Like a Slam Book! How fun!

I've been challenged by are my answers.

2 names you go by:
2. Forest Lady

2 parts of your heritage:
1. Cherokee
2. English

2 things that scare you:
1. Being broke
2. Dying

2 of your everyday essentials:
1. Diet Coke
2. Crisp clean sheets

2 things you are wearing right now:
1. Black pants suit
2. gold hoop earrings

2 of your favorite bands or musical artists (at the moment):
1. David Schnaufer
2. LeeAnn Rimes

2 favorite songs (at the moment):
1. Silence is Golden
2. Last Date

2 things you want in a relationship (other than real love):
1. A true friend
2. Lots of hugs and back rubs

2 truths:
1.I am fat!
2. I wish I wanted to be skinny more than I want banana splits!

2 physical things that appeal to you (in the opposite sex):
1. Hairy chests
2. Deep voices

2 of your favorite hobbies:
1. Writing
2. Playing my dulcimer

2 things you want really badly:
1. To play the dulcimer really well
2. To write a novel.

2 places you want to go on vacation:
1. Italy
2. Greece

2 things you want to do before you die:
1. See my kids settled down and happy.
2. Lots of traveling

2 things you are thinking about now:
1. I want to tell my boss to kiss my .....
2. I need to go to bed. I'm exhausted.

2 stores you shop at: (I hate shopping)
1. Amazon
2. Books a Million

2 people i would like to see take this quiz:
1. Plumbtuckered
2. Amy

1 comment:

Forest Lady said...

My daughter does her blog incognito, and asked me to remove her picture so now one would see it and track it back to her blog. As far as the witch picture, I keep looking at it and thinking it looked more and more like me even without makeup so I said Yikes and took it off.
Cathy, when I was in middle school, we girls passed around what we called a slam book, which was basically a spiral notebook. On the first page you signed by a number and on the following pages, put your replies by the same number. Each page would ask a question like your favorite ice cream, or it would have a person's name and you would say what you thought of that person. Loads of fun. The only people we "slammed" were teacher's names!