Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Take this job and ............

Our internet has been out since last week. We've been going through major withdrawal pains. I don't know how I became so addicted.
The girl that was our office manager got fired. Everyone assumed the General Mgr would offer that job to me. I sort of thought that too, especially after he called me in his office and told me to think about it, how I had the qualities needed in that job, etc. Then he goes out of town this week, and I have my job plus that job to do while he's gone. Nothing like throwing you to the wolves. He sent me emails constantly giving me more and more instructions. Then today he calls and says he met a girl where he is doing the training who really needs to relocate to this city and he's thinking about hiring her for the job. I'm hurt, mad, and feel really used.
I've been killing myself all week doing two jobs, getting training in various parts of the office manager job, and taking care of all of his problems. Now he's decided to let me take care of things until he can get this new girl moved.
Well, I emailed him and told him by all means offer it to her, that I'm perfectly happy doing the job I have now, which by the way is being really neglected since I'm doing two jobs, and that he better get someone immediately because I can't do two jobs alone.
I came home so angry and with such an upset stomach, which I've had ALL week. I can't eat without my stomach hurting. So maybe I'll just tell them to take this job and ..............................
Then he can hire two girls from his training workshop. He can start a collection.

1 comment:

Forest Lady said...

No the office mgr was a girl. The GM is the "he" I keep referring to. I edited this post so hopefully it makes more sense now. But yes, it's strange.....verrrrrry strange.