Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I got the check

I received my first check for my writing. It's for a short story I sold to the HerStory book. Payment was $200 and two free copies of the book. I've sold a couple since then but haven't gotten the money yet. So what do I do with the money? I want to do something special with it.
When my grandmother died, as with many older folks, we found money stashed away in her dresser drawers. One thing we found but didn't expect was a bundle of envelopes, marked "Christmas" with each of our names on them. Inside mine was a $20 bill. I don't know what I did with that money. I always wished I had something I could hold and say my grandmother bought this for me after she died...
So I'm bound and determined to buy something with this money that I can keep. Any ideas?

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