Friday, November 18, 2005

Once a Jerk, Always a Jerk

A friend called me tonight and told me she filed divorce papers today. I guess the polite thing to do would to have been to view it as a bad thing and tell her how sorry I was, but the truth is, I wanted to yell yeeee-hawww and wave my hat in the air. She's been married thirty years to a huge jerk. She has no self-esteem, has not known any love or friendship or affection or emotional support from this man as long as I've known her (24 yrs). Recently she asked what they were going to do to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary and he stared at her like she had lost her mind and said, "Not a damn thing." And they didn't.
She has had NO life for so long that she doesn't even realize how bad it is. Or she hadn't. Until last week. She's mentioned divorce a few times, but always felt it was "wrong in the eyes of God" even though this slug slept with her sister the first year they were married (she forgave them both) and had sex with a woman in the hospital bathroom when their child was in the hospital very ill (again, she forgave). Well both of those were years ago. Since then they've lived together and had no real marriage, other than both being at home with the kids. As her friend, I've wanted to give her a wake up call, but you really can't make anyone do anything to help themselves until they're ready.
Well it turns out their nineteen year old son overheard Dad on the phone with his girlfriend the other day (Dad thought no one was home) and confronted his father. Of course, he denied it, and the kid began to wonder if he was wrong. So instead of telling his mom his "suspicions" he decided to find out the facts. He did some investigating, found out from some folks that worked with "Dad" that the girlfriend is twenty-three and has slept with pretty much every man at the plant, and that yes, Dad is one of her steadies. So he sat Dad up. He waited until everyone was gone from home and then snuck back in his bedroom window and listened to Dear Ol' Dad calling up the girlfriend and planning their next escapade. He then confronted Dad again, and of course he got very very defensive this time, even standing up in his son's face and telling him he did not have to listen to him. At which point, son pushed Dad back down into the chair and told him yes, he was going to listen. He then told Dad exactly what kind of man and father he was.
Well the son told his Mom, who didn't seem that upset over it (I think she was probably rejoicing over finding a true Christian-accepted reason for divorcing his sorry ass). Then the older daughters came to her and told her they also knew about Dad's philandering. Turns out a lot of the family has known but didn't tell her.
So she found a lawyer, paid him with her money she's put back from the grocery money for awhile now (Yes, my idea), and he is filling out the papers, saying it's a no-fault divorce, she gets all the property and savings, plus child support and alimony and he has to pay her health insurance. Lawyer said not to mention it to him until she picks up the papers, and then to say, "You can either sign these like they are, or we can go to court, and I'm bringing in all of our grown children and your co-workers to prove your adultery, and you will pay all of the court costs and my lawyer fees."
He doesn't know what's about to hit him. He doesn't even know he's about to get a divorce. Yeeeee Hawwwwww.


Freebird said...

OMG! That woman needs to GET OUT NOW! I sure hope she doesn't forgive him. Just remember, friends don't let friends stay married to jerks.

k said...

Woohoo-way to go for your friend. Kind of like to be a fly on the wall when he gets those papers huh?