Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Don't Ya Jus' Hate People Like That?

Don't you just hate those new parents who whip out pictures of their new babies every time you see them? Like you don't know what their kids look like because you've seen daily pictures of the kids every time you've run into Mom or Dad? My chiropractor is like that. Nothing like lying on a table and having him wave pictures in my face of "his baby sticking out his tongue" and his baby "drooling". I know you all are going to shoot me if I keep talking about this new doggie, but I have to share two pictures with you and then I promise to hush!
The first one is my husband with Boo Boo. Hubby is totally smitten. The second one is the way this crazy dog likes to lay in my lap, flopped on his back with all his legs sticking up.


Cathy said...

Looks as if he has become more relaxed with his new surroundings and new people. He is precious and I would love to see many, many more photos. Would also love a trip to the Chiropractor!

Freebird said...

My Bonnie does the same thing. If you approach her she quickly lays flat on her back begging to get her belly rubbed. She's such an attention whore.

p.s. Your dog is so cute. Now those are pictures I wouldn't mind seeing more of. Bring on the doggie pictures!!