Monday, April 17, 2006

Is this a Westinghouse?

A friend recommended I try making a list and checking things off when I get them done. I'm trying that today. Then if I at least see a few checks I can tell myself I actually got something accomplished during my day.
We had my stepdaughter and her husband over for dinner. I really worry about them sometimes. It seems like it's only with a lot of life under your belt that you begin to look farther ahead than right now. Our decisions become based on how this will affect us in ten years, twenty years, not just this month. I guess that maturity eventually takes care of the nearsightedness. The Easter dinner part turned out fine. My husband helped and we got it all pulled together. I even made a cheesecake by a new recipe I had and it was really good.
I made a menu for what we are having for dinners all week, so I have that planned out too. See how organized (agonized) I am? ha.
My daughter sent me a cute Easter greeting, of a big bunny perched in the refrigerator on a shelf. So the question to the bunny was what he was doing in there. He said well this is a Westinghouse isn't it? Yes. Well, I'm westing! :-)
I see the counselor today, and dread that. But usually I feel better after I go.
I'm thinking about not making anymore appointments.


Forest Lady said...

Boy! I got letter after letter after letter today saying don't stop, keep going! This either means people think I'm truly a nut case and need the help, or they have the foresight to see more longterm benefits that I, in the middle of this process, don't see.
I think it's probably the nut case one. ha! But either way, I really feel supported! And that's a wonderful feeling, friends!

Cathy said...

LOL!! You are so sane it's sick! I think you just have loads of friends who have faith in you and your abilities.