Monday, April 17, 2006

A Real Blast From the Past!

When I was a girl, having always been a die-hard introvert, I spent a LOT of time alone in my room, usually with the door locked. I didn't have a tv in there, or an x-box, or a computer (all today's teens are passing out about now) but I did have the two things every red blooded American teenager had to have to be happy in the 70's. I had a phone, a pink Princess rotary dial phone, and I had a record player. I could entertain myself for hours and hours with records and books. I got $5 allowance each week. A 45 record (for you young ones, they had two songs) costs $1 at JCPenney. So every week, I bought at least one record.
I listened to my favorite songs, over and over (Bread, Cat Stevens, Simon and Garfunkel, James Taylor, Carole King). When I had a terrible breakup with a boyfriend, I'd sit and cry to sad records. When I was feeling happy, I'd dance to them. (With the door locked, remember?) When my parents divorced, I sat and listened to some stupid song by the Browns, called Oh No! Everytime they said, "Oh No!" I'd burst out crying! Very cathartic.
Then later on, as time passed, and I married and had babies, and we moved a bazillion times, I lost my records, or sold them in a yard sale, or gave them away.
Well my husband decided to give me something for my fiftieth birthday that he knew would touch my heart, and so he got me a record player! The one that is pictured. A Crosley Traveler, Spin-o-Matic that automatically drops the records one at a time.
So I started looking on Ebay. A lot of people are selling their old record collections, cheaper than what I paid for them back then! And if you hit the right age person on there, you end up with the same exact hits I had back then. So I ordered some records off Ebay, too. I feel like a kid at Christmas! I can't wait for it to get here!
The counselor today thinks I need to get more exercise and that would help my mood. I bought a bicycle pump for my old Schwinn Classic Cruiser hanging in my garage. I think I'll get out and ride some.
Now am I a BLAST FROM THE PAST or what?! Click it!


emily said...

What a nice gift! Very thoughtful. I used to listen to a record player like that too. I remember my dad locking himself in the basement every now again and he'd blast his old records.

The Tuckered One said...

That was a really great idea for a gift. What records have you bought so far?

You'll have fun riding the bike. The weather is great right now. And I bet the sunlight will be good for you too. (

Cathy said...

Oh, I had one, it was blue with a cream colored trim. I wore that record player out, not to mention the 45's I used to play on it.

Some of my favorites were, "It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To," I Want To Hold Your Hand," and "Honey" by Bobby Goldsburg. There was also, "I've Been Hurt" by the Tams. I played that one over and over again when Greg Walls broke up with me because I wouldn't french kiss him. Pervert!!

You have such a precious husband AND a Schwinn classic. Lucky dog!!

Cathy said...

Great link tuckered one. I've always wondered why I had more energy and felt more pep during the Spring and Summer. Lots of good information there.

Gillian said...

We moved from the small town where I grew up when I was 12. At my going away party, they played Tommy James, Crimson and Clover. It was one of my favorite songs, but when I hear it it reminds me of moving away from my friends.
Your husband is soooo sweet, that is such a great gift.
Sounds like your session with the therapist went ok too. My counselor always told me to excercise too, when I felt down or depressed. It really helps, but can be hard to get started. Good luck!

Forest Lady said...

Oh I love Crimson and Clover. I also liked I Think We're Alone Now, Paved Paradise, Baby I'm A Want You, One Less Bell To Answer, Band of Gold, I could go on and on. Yes, Cathy, that link about SAD described me to a tee. Waking up early, not getting anything done, etc etc.
So Cathy, if you'd slipped that guy a little tongue you might not be having to deal with Ol' Ed on the child support!

Cathy said...

Nope, I would have had it made. He ended up a two star general in the Army. Also has a heck of a lot more character than the one I ended up with. He married Cessie Chancey and she got FAT...I mean very, very large. From what I hear she gave him more than a little tongue too.

Boy, I had forgotten how badly he broke my heart.