Saturday, May 27, 2006

Comments Needed. Tell me the truth!

I got an email from a guy I used to work with years ago. He said they are looking for a secretary, and he told me how good a place it is to work now. The boss I worked for there left to start his own business, and I went with him. A lawsuit entailed, of course, because some of the employees and customers went with him. (The company said he had a non-compete; he said he didn't, etc.) Anyway, I figured I'd burned that bridge, but evidently not. He said they have a new director, a girl I know. He said they wanted to know if I'd consider it. I told him I MIGHT be interested, thinking I could at least hear what they had to say. I actually entertained the idea of going back to work.
Then I decided I'd mention this to my husband and son. We opened a special account to use to start saving for our RV we want, so we can buy it without going into debt for it. I said we could build that a lot faster if went back to work. I wish you could have seen their faces, because they were hard to describe. To me those looks meant, "Been here. Heard this before. You'd do it a month and hate it and quit. You don't stick with anything, what makes you think you'd stick with this? Are you nuts? Why don't you just shut up and be happy where you are." Of course, none of that was said, except in my head. But it's all true.
So I have sat here all day trying to figure out a way to be content where I am. But I still have to admit the new remodeling/expansion they are doing in the old office sounded interesting.
I tried going back through my blog, and reading how much I griped about going back to work before. I fussed a lot before I finally just quit. What makes me think I'd be any happier this time? What does my family REALLY think? Do they think I'm a flake? This entry is what blogs are really for. To brain dump this stuff and try to sort it out. Sometimes it works. Sometimes I need feedback from my friends........


Cathy said...

Well, you might go back to work and hate it, or you might go back and love it. You've got a 50/50 chance of either one happening.

The thing is, you have the luxury of being able to quit if you want to. I would imagine the world is full of people who hate their jobs but don't have that luxury. In my opinion you are not a quitter, you are just a hell of a lot luckier than most and have more options.

More options can confuse a person at times can't they? If you decide to go back to work go in knowing you have the option to quit if it becomes to stressful.

Don't go in worrying about being a quitter. If you take the job be honest with yourself and everyone else. If you like it you will stay, if you don't you will not stay. I see nothing wrong with that. That way you won't be setting yourself up to your eyes anyway.

A Girl From Texas said...

I think if you go in with the idea that you can quit at any time and you post a picture of an RV at your desk somewhere, that you might just be able to make it work.

Maybe in the past you didn't have a specific goal you were working towards.

You can put the money you make into money market accounts that have compounded interest. That will help the money for the RV go faster.

A Girl From Texas said...

You may already know a lot about money market accounts but in case you would like to know more; here is a good link:

Anonymous said...

Don't take the job. I know you, if you take it and hate it & then quit you will silently feel like you failed (even though you didn't) and you will find some way to punish yourself for it. What you need to do is feel GREAT about the fact that they want YOU and approached YOU. Then, after you have savored that feeling for a while, look for a job because YOU WANT TO, not just because someone wants YOU. The simple fact that you are having such trouble deciding tells me that this is not for you at this moment in time. Love you girlfriend!