Sunday, May 07, 2006

Making Him PAY

I bet you thought by the title of this post, I was going to whack someone. No, this is about a different kind of paying. The kind that takes place on dates. I read another blog about a girl's experience with the ol' "who pays the check" scenario. So here's my take on it.
If he asks, me out, he pays. Simple rule. End of discussion. Men do the asking. Men do the paying.
Now, before I got married, I was not a girl that had to be impressed. If he invited me for a hamburger and night walk in the park, that's fine. Invited me for a picnic in the back yard to look at the stars, fine. Dating didn't have to cost a lot and I was never someone that a guy had to put on a big show for to get my attention. . In fact, the above kind of dates impressed me more than blowing a lot of money on me at expensive restaurants. Although I do like nice restaurants, there's something "showy" about doing that on a first date. So a guy didn't have to spend a lot. But he did have to pay the check.
Now when I was dating my husband, he actually tried once to get around this rule of mine. We had several dates, and he always paid. We went one night to a local Mexican place, and when the waitress laid down the check tray, he reached for it and said, "I'll get want to this time." I smiled and said, "No, that's fine, Hon. You go ahead. Men pay for dates."
I figure if I pay for nails, and good haircuts, and makeup, and pantyhose, etc etc and have to spend two hours getting ready, including having to shave my legs (what a major pain), then paying for the date is the least he can do.
Here, most Southern guys don't even bother to ask if she wants to pay the check. They know better. Not only would they not get a second date, but if they complained to their Southern mama, they'd get whacked "up side of the head". So see, someone got whacked in my story after all.....


continuitygirl said...

This is so true, if I guy asks he should pay, although I if I go out for drinks with a guy I'll often offer to buy the occasional round.

Cathy said...

It's been so long since I've had a date I'd be willing to flip the bill for everything. I'd give new meaning to the term, "cheap date."