Thursday, June 08, 2006

Here We Go Again

I went from not knowing anything about our finances to doing our bills. We paid off our only credit card. I think that will ease things up. We had a really nice dinner last night with my daughter and son-in-law at P.F.Changs. If you ever go there, order the honey shrimp and lettuce wraps and share. Yum.
I saw the ear specialist yesterday. Last year I had surgery in my right ear for Meniere's. I did great until about a month ago when my vertigo returned really bad. The doctor said my hearing in my left ear has deteriorated until it is now as bad as the right one. In a year's time. He "hopes" it's Meniere's in that ear. Because if it isn't, it could be the auto-immune disorder in the ear that caused Rush Limbaugh's deafness (He has since had an implant and can hear again).
So, in order to try to stop any more hearing loss, I have to go in tomorrow and have surgery on the left one.
I feel like I hit 50 and everything fell apart. ha. Didn't Ponce de Leon once say he thought the fountain of youth was in Florida? I should have looked for that bugger when I was down there.
Anyway, I'm going to clean the house today, buy some groceries, and get ready for being laid up for awhile. I'm also working on a budget. And I have to pick up the dogs from the groomer. And probably a million other things I haven't thought of yet. But if you don't hear from me for a few days, now you'll know why. Wish me luck!


Cathy said...

Are you having the same kind of surgery that you had on the right ear? I'm sorry this all started up again. It can be so disruptive to living a normal life. I'll keep you in my thoughts and, although it won't be easy, I'm sure you will do well.

Gillian said...

Good luck with your surgery. Let us know how you are doing...

I'm close behind you with that 50 thing!