Saturday, June 03, 2006

It's the Real Thing- Real Bad

Millions of people in our country have drug problems. I, myself, am a coke addict. No, not that powder kind. That kind that comes in a can marked Diet Coke. My husband and I figured it up, and we, together, drink 8-10 CASES of these each WEEK. I don't even want to figure out how many that is a day. But needless to say, if you drop by my house anytime during the day, I will have a can of the stuff in my hand or within reach.
When I was a little girl, soft drinks were getting really popular, but my dad "didn't believe in 'em" and thought they would "rot your kidneys". Therefore, we could have Kool-aid occasionally (that red dye has to be great for the kidneys) and water. Lots of water. In fact, before the cold water dispensers on refrigerators became popular, we had a home rigged one. He ran a copper pipe in and out of the coils on our frig, and put a spigot on it on the side of the frig. We could have all the water we wanted. But my friends had coke at their house, and I wanted it. BAD.

When my parents divorced, my mom remarried, and my step-dad liked Pepsi. So mom bought him a six pack of Pepsi each week. Of course, with the rest of us wanting it, that quickly grew. Finally, we ended up with a separate frig just to keep the cokes in. (Ok, I'm giving up trying to type "soft drinks". In the rest of this entry, all soft drinks, no matter what their brands, are called "COKE".)

My habit continued. Throughout the years, I continued the habit. You can ask my kids. The most trouble they ever got in, was drinking the last coke from the frig instead of saving that one for mom. (I feel like a terrible mother) When my daughter was two, and I had no car, I walked with her on my hip for two miles one day because I just had to buy a coke. I inhaled that thing like air.

My husband even bought an old coke bottle at a antique store, filled. He warned me but I even tried to drink that stuff. It was nasty and he never forgave me.
So I'm not kidding when I say I'm addicted. I think giving up sleep has got to be easier than giving up coke.

But I've read more and more about how it makes you fat. Even the diet ones like I drink. Especially the diet ones, according to some things I've read.

So I'm going to try AGAIN to get off these things. And I think it's amazing how hard that can be. I think we should be able to have our health insurance pay for a caffeine/carbonation patch or something.


Cathy said...

Even the diet one's can make you fat? Darn!! I'm a Pepsi addict, first thing I do in the morning is head for the fridge and my Pepsi. I probably drink 8 of those 20 ounce glasses filled with ice and Pepsi a day.

Last week I went to diet Pepsi and have been feeling good about all the calories I'm saving. Now you tell me even the diet one's make you fat. Seems I can't win for losing.

I also went off on my boys one morning for drinking the last Pepsi. It was two summers ago. I rolled out of bed and headed for the fridge to find my life juice gone. Boy did I rag on their butts. So, don't feel bad, you are not the only mama to ever damage her children emotionally over her addiction.

Forest Lady said...

Cathy, I KNOW. Read this about the diet ones.

and this

and this one

The Tuckered One said...

I don't think diet drinks make you fat. I think Amy's right -- that people take in more calories another way.

Of course, drinking 8-10 cases per week can't be good for you!

I love Diet Dr Pepper and drink one every afternoon. I also drink another one at night sometimes if I'm craving something "sweet" after dinner.

A Girl From Texas said...

Interesting. The only time I was allowed to drink soda was on the 4th of July and New Year's eve. I could have potato chips then, too.

I could have ONE only ONE when we went to a restaurant.

Sometimes mom would buy rootbeer and make floats.

But I feel the same way as Amy, they make my theeth feel dirty, unless, I drink them with lots of ice.

I think Amy's suggestion of cutting back slowly is a good one. If you try it cold turkey, you might not get the results you want. Perhaps you can make each soda last longer.

Forest Lady said...

My hubby and I agreed we would not order any more soft drinks at restaurants, but to get water. We are going to cut back, and when the ones we have stashed at home (2 cases), we are not going to buy anymore. At least for now, that's the plan.

continuitygirl said...

I really don't like diet coke, but I do love fat coke, I like to treat myself to a can every now and again.