Monday, June 12, 2006

Speakin' Spanish, Walkin' Drunk, and Goin' Batty

I laid around all weekend. My husband did most of the cooking, although he did go out and get Red Lobster one night. I'm still a little off-balance when I walk, and seem very weak, but I'm feeling much better than I did at this stage last year with the other ear. Hopefully, the medicine they put in my inner ear will help. I am enjoying getting waited on but that ends today I guess.

My husband left for work and my son leaves in a few minutes. My son got an internship for the summer. He graduates at the end of this fall semester. He's already talking about an apartment, so I don't guess he'll be home much longer. He's still in the part of his new job when no one knows what he's suppose to be doing yet. So he and the other interns have been sitting a lot. He said it makes for a very long day "but if they want to pay me to sit on my butt, I can go for that."

I can't hear on the telephone yet. My right ear was always bad and now the left one is bandaged. My husband has been answering my phone but since he's gone today, I hope it doesn't ring. I can hear it when it rings. I can hear faintly what people are saying, but only pick up about every third or fourth word. It's very frustrating.

The house is driving me crazy. My husband does the dishes but doesn't wipe off the stove, counters, etc. Plus he isn't very good at putting things away. So I'm going to try to get everything straightened up today, so the clutter won't drive me batty.

When the doctor weighed me a couple of weeks ago, I almost fell out. So since then, I've been really trying to watch what I eat. According to what I weighed at the hospital, I've lost ten pounds. Ten down and a million to go. But at least I'm heading in the right direction. I'll be glad when I can balance well enough to ride my bike again. The weather here has been so pretty and it feels like summer, even though it doesn't officially begin for a few more days.

I signed up for a Spanish class. I had my first class last week. It's being taught by a girl about my daughter's age. She's very nice but has never taught adults before. So she spent the first part of our time going over the rules. ha. It was cute. I wanted to take it because I have always wanted to learn a language and figured Spanish would come in handy more than the others. There is this man in our class that evidently was forced to come by his wife. He sits there the whole time saying "This is jibberish to me" and "I don't understand any of this" and "They should pack 'em all up and send 'em home if they can't speak English." We also have this lady who is very opinionated and outspoken, and she's been coming back at him with comments like "Well that's not gonna happen, so you'd better get used to them being here and learn something about their language and culture." He gives her looks like he could strangle her. I'm sitting back secretly hoping I get to see a fight between the two of them before our classes end. (snicker).

Well,for now, adios amigos.


Freebird said...

The Spanish class sounds like fun, at least the people in it sound interesting. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to see a fight. hee hee.

emily said...

On Spanish Class: Fight! Fight!

On everything else: Take care of yourself. :)

Cathy said...

I found the 10 pounds you lost. I'm sitting on at least 8 of those pounds right now. I'd gladly return them if you like.

The Spanish sounds like fun. Wonder why the guys wife is making him take Spanish?