Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Putting One Foot in Front of the Other

As you may remember if you've been reading this awhile, I hired a new cleaning lady awhile back. When we talked about her taking on the job, I told her the one thing I ask is that she set a certain time and be there at that time, so I can plan my day around it. I told her I was very flexible as to what day what time but just pick one and stick with it. No problem, she said.
Now every week for the last few weeks, she calls. "One of my other clients was sick and asked if I could come tomorrow. So instead of doing your house in the morning, I'll be there in the afternoon." I hate afternoons, because she's slow (but methodical) and is still here when it's time for me to start dinner and for my husband to come home. He doesn't mind her coming but wants her out of here when he gets home.
So, have I said anything to her? Oh no. I usually say something wimpy like, "Oh sure, that will be fine" or "I understand. No problem." Then I resent it. So today, she's coming late again, and I heard a big groan out of my son when I told him she may be here when he gets home from work. I have to grow a backbone. I took assertiveness training! ha.
And if you're wondering why we still have a cleaning lady when my husband said we were having a financial crunch? Well I took over the bills, and we have a lot more free money than he realized. So I'm trying to stick to the necessities. And a cleaning lady is definitely a necessity!! ha.
I missed my Spanish class last night. By the time I ran my errands yesterday, I was totally exhausted. I think I did a little too much too soon. I bought a book from Amazon called "Spanish for Gringos" and it comes with CD's, so I'll try to keep at it this week.
Today I go to the doctor in the city where my daughter lives, so we are going to meet her for dinner when we get finished (and her husband if he can get away from work early enough).
I signed up with a secret shopper place and have signed up for a couple of local jobs. Mostly fast food restaurants. They pay about 8-10 per visit plus you get a free lunch. With that, and the articles I get paid for with Associated Content, I get a little extra spending money. But all that fast food is not going to do much for my diet. When I weighed at the hospital, those scales said I'd lost ten. At the doctor's office, his scales said six. But hey, I'll take six pounds. It's a start anyway.
I wrote another short story this morning. I was sitting here and the first few sentences came to me. I ran and grabbed the laptop and it seemed like I couldn't write it down as fast as it was coming. When it was finished, I do what I always do. First I send it to my daughter for her opinion. Then I leave it alone for a couple of days. After a couple of days, I go back and read it and fix things. Then I submit it and forget it. And secretly keep my fingers crossed that someone besides me likes it. And I'm very grateful to the heavens for dictating me another story.

1 comment:

The Tuckered One said...

I liked your story.

That's funny that you found some money that he didn't realize you had.