Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday Afternoon Stuff

I went to my dad's yesterday. The last time I was out there awhile back, he didn't seem to know me or remember what he'd said for more than a few minutes. He repeated himself a lot. Yesterday, he was a lot more lucid, and seemed glad to see us. He said he'd told my step-mom the reason none of the kids came to see them anymore was because they had gotten old. I said no it's because the KIDS have gotten OLD. ha. If you've read my blog for any length of time, you know that I'm pretty much a self-imposed shut-in, and like it like that. Although, I did accept some assignments this week with a secret shopping service. I get to eat a lot of fast food and find out all about cellular phones. But it's a little extra.
I guess my last post left a lot of you saying, Huh? Well, it was just something I wrote awhile back and thought I'd post. Maybe it wasn't suited for the blog, but now and then I just put things on here I liked, even if they won't be very interesting to anyone but me.
I don't know whether I posted this or not, but the eye doctor set my surgery for August to fix my "lazy eye" problem. I'm really looking forward to it. He did say that for two weeks afterward I will see double because they overcorrect so that it will end up being right after the muscles stretch a bit. Sounds weird. He said it will drive me crazy for awhile. I said oh ok. He said no, I mean it will REALLY drive you crazy for awhile. So I guess it's not going to be fun, but I think it will be worth it in the long run.
Well better go check on dinner. I'd hate to burn it and end up serving KFC. No, really, that sounds pretty good, too.


Cathy said...

Seeing double might not be bad if you are looking at something Mel Gibson.

You have a lazy eye and I'm just plain lazy. I need an injection of motivation badly! You are brave to face eye surgery so soon after the ear surgery.

I'm glad you had a good visit with your Dad.

Queue_t said...

thanks for commenting on my tag box to cathy!

I have never Sold any of my work- really it is my labor of love! Thank you for the compliment

I have enjoyed visiting your blog too.