Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sunday Sundae

I've just been out of it lately, not feeling like doing much, and having way too much to do to suit me. Between the secret shopping jobs I signed up for, and all the doctor visits, I'm ready for a break. I stopped signing up for any more shopping jobs, so when I finish these, I'm not doing any for awhile. Plus I figure after the eye surgery in August, the doctor visits should be slowing down. I'm ready for some alone time, days with nothing pressing to do. I'm behind on getting things done in the house, I'm behind on my email with friends (Sorry Cathy and Bev), and I haven't had any time to myself for reading in a long time.
The sleep study showed sleep apnea, and the CPAP positive pressure mask they now have me wearing at night, I rest better and also look like the creature from the black lagoon. It makes it better in that my husband has worn one for awhile, so we can be creatures together.
I have laser surgery on both eyes the end of this month for the glaucoma, and then the eye surgery in Aug to correct the lazy eye thing. I can't tell you how excited I am over that one. It's been so frustrating all of my life having people think I was standoffish or stuck-up because I don't look them in the eye.
My mother-in-law is coming next week . My husband took vacation to spend time with her. I have a lot of cleaning to do.
We went to see Pirates last night, and it was good. I'd give it a B-. So I guess Johnny Depp is glad I'm not reviewing it. Actually looking at him was the highlight of the movie for me.
We've gotten into watching 4400. We didn't see it before, so this summer we rented all the DVD's from Netflix and caught up. It's a good show. Enough twists and turns to keep you guessing.
I also did a MAJOR thing. I went to see the Devil Wears Prada, and I loved Meryl Streep's hair (remember I'm fifty now). Since I have streaks in my hair of white, I thought how cool it would be to have it all that color. So I went to the beauty shop and told them what I was interested in. ALL of the stylists crowded around with different opinions on what I should do. I ended up with getting it foiled, and it's like platinum blonde with white highlights. Drastic change, but I REALLY like it. My son noticed it immediately after he came in from work. My husband came in, spoke to me, then went to change out of his work clothes. I was so disappointed. My son said it's ok, he didn't notice it because it's kind of dark in our living room, but if I would go into the kitchen and turn on the lights in there, and stand and wait, he'd see it. He did. He said, "Did you do something to your hair?" Then after I asked, he said he likes it. Later, at dinner at Red Lobster, he said he just figured out the word that described my new look-- get this--EXOTIC. He said I look exotic. How strange is that. Not sure how to take that. But anyway, I do like it a lot, and at my age, what other people think is not that big a deal. Yes, I'll eventually get a picture of it to put on here.
Oh yes, I made it into the local paper. They did a small write up on me and the stories I've published. I guess the editors are contacting local papers of the authors in the book, because they had my email and wrote and asked me some questions. I took the plunge and sent in a story of mine for a critique with a creative writing instructor from the University of Wisconsin. I signed up for his class awhile back, and for a bit extra he'd do a critique. What makes me really anxious is this is a story of mine I really like and think is good. Some of mine I'd say are so-so, and if he didn't like them, I'd agree they needed some tweaking. However, I don't know how I'll react if he hates this one. I keep telling myself it's only one opinion. If he really cuts me up with it, I'll send it to my daughter or Cathy. They always tell me nice things.
Well that's about it for my Sunday. Weekends go by so fast.


The Tuckered One said...

Send me a picture of your new hairdo!

Freebird said...

I wasn't crazy about Pirates either. I almost fell asleep.

Gillian said...

I'd love to see a picture too. I feel the same way, too many things to do, and I'm not getting things done I want to. Not enough alone time either, and I haven't emailed in a don't feel bad. I'll be glad for you when the eye surgery is done. You've had a lot of medical things going on. I hope it all lets up and you can just enjoy life and relax for a while!

Cathy said...

Lord, I'd love a man to use the word Exotic when describing anything about me. I can't wait to see how it looks.

Don't fret over the story too much. I've read you enough to know that his response will be positive. You should take all those short stories and put a book of your own together. I think you would be surprised at how well it would sell.